Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Bring It On- December 2020 - S...

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 69 of 79

review, we simulated what is arguably the most vital part of resolving an MH crisis: administering dantrolene. I obtained expired vials of dantrolene from our pharmacy and asked staff to volunteer for a reconstituting race. A few staff members stepped up and competed to see who could correctly mix the dantrolene the fastest, and we awarded a small prize to the winner. Simulation training is the perfect way to highlight the difference between understand- ing the steps you're supposed to take during an emergency and physically doing them. The dantrolene-mixing process was more challeng- ing than any of the volunteers expected, and they were only mixing a fraction of the dantro- lene they'd need during a real MH crisis. After they finished the simulation, I said, "If you thought that was tough, you'd need the amount you mixed times 20 during a real emergency." That really drove home the importance of using simulation training. We haven't experienced an MH event since over- hauling our training program, but we recently dis- covered during a routine pre-op assessment that a patient had risk factors for MH. I had the opportu- nity to alert the surgical team, review how they should respond to a crisis and roll the MH cart to just outside the OR door. Fortunately, the patient got through surgery without incident, but watching the way our staff conducted themselves as soon as they were alerted to the situation told me everything I needed to know about how they would han- dle a real-life emergency. The effort we put into making our MH training an engaging and hands- on experience ensures every member of our surgical staff is fully prepared to respond to a cri- sis correctly and confidently. OSM 7 0 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0 RAC Medical Solutions www.racmedicalsolutions.com Customer Service: (855) 798-6685 (6AM – 9PM CST) Email Orders: orders@racmedicalsolutions.com Sales and Marketing: marketing@racmedicalsolutions.com Coming in 1st Quarter 2021 – RAC9000 Sedberry Slush Machine!! Contract number 44467 Healthtrust /HPG RAC Medical Solutions offers: • Irrigation Fluid Warming Systems and Drapes – Designed for use with Irrigation Fluid Warming and Slush Systems • Made in the USA • Veteran-owned small business • Friendly service - best-in- class products to the medical providers Ms. Hampton (jhampton@holy redeemer.com) is the OR nurse manager at Holy Redeemer Hospital in Meadowbrook, Pa. ROLE WITH IT The MH cart at Holy Redeemer Hospital includes detailed and easily accessible response role cards that spell out staff responsibilities. Linda Beck

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