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comes into play here. A well-designed AER should visually cue users on how it's loaded, unloaded, started, tested and maintained. Yes, one of the pri- mary values of an AER is the automation of manual processes, but there are still manual steps involved in using the devices. Manufacturers should consider the possibility of human error when designing safe- ty functions into their devices. • Well-written IFUs. Are the AER's instructions for use (IFUs) written in a way that frontline per- sonnel can easily understand and follow? To pro- tect your process from adverse events related to the misuse of AERs, make sure you consider how clear- ly the device's IFUs are presented in their materials. This may seem like a peripheral recommendation, but AER manufacturers understand the potential implications of IFUs that are incomplete, incoher- ent or are otherwise unconnected with normal clini- cal workflows, and have been working closely with the FDA to address these challenges (osmag.net/8NJnoT). Remember, even if your staff receives new product training from technical spe- cialists, they'll still likely need to reference an AER's IFU regularly. • Reprocessing speed. This factor is crucial due to the expense of holding large inventories of flexi- ble endoscopes and the lack of endoscope storage space available in many facilities, especially in the outpatient sector. Important considerations here include an AER's number of reprocessing basins, the number of scopes that can be processed in each basin, whether the basins can operate independent- ly of one another and what additional cleaning/dry- ing functions the AER has been validated to per- form. Don't simply look for the fastest cycle time because that doesn't give you all the information you need. Remember that other factors contribute to the overall reprocessing timeline. • Quality testing and documentation. One of the most common accreditation citations for endoscope Thinking of Buying … TB 7 0 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 0 Cantel Advantage Plus Pass-Thru medivators.com 800-328-3340 This AER's pass-thru design physically sepa- rates clean and dirty reprocessing areas with a hard wall in the interest of reducing risk of human error and cross-contamination. The company touts the AER's ability to standard- ize a unidirectional workflow and improve reprocessing efficiency by supporting a con- sistent and repeatable high-level disinfecting procedure for endoscopes. Featuring hands- free operation and automatic cycle start for easier operation, the device provides comput- erized cycle documentation and reporting, and performs continuous leak testing during the cycle. Its large visual display conveys real-time cycle information, while its barcode scanner enables fast and accurate data entry to facilitate cycle management and endo- scope traceability.