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U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 0
ome of the drugs and flu-
ids used most often in sur-
gical facilities go in and
out of shortage daily due to inter-
ruptions in the supply chain, a
problem exacerbated by the
COVID-19 pandemic. Fentanyl for
pain control has been in shortage
lately, as have some benzodi-
azepines used for sedation, car-
diac medications, diuretics and
blood pressure meds. Dextrose
and saline fluids are also proving
difficult to stock. If your facility
doesn't have protocols in place to
plan for shortages before they
occur, now is certainly the time to
create them. Start with these five
steps to ensure the drugs needed
to provide safe patient care are
always on hand, even when supply
streams slow to a trickle.
Monitor supplies
The American Society of
Health System Pharmacists works
closely with the FDA and main-
tains the most current drug short-
age list (ashp.org/drug-
shortages). It should be checked
daily. The FDA also has daily
information on shortages at
(osmag.net/RfAAy5). You can
also sign up for twice weekly email updates from
the FDA on shortages. The Institute for Safe
Medication Practices (ismp.org) and our parent
organization ECRI Institute (www.ecri.org) has
useful information about shortages as well. Check
these sites on a regular basis. They're helpful in
assessing the current supply levels of your often-
used medications and can help you react to poten-
tial shortages before they impact your stock.
Know your inventory
Keep a current list of your most commonly
performed procedures and what medications are
used for them, and your surgeons' preferred med-
ications. When ordering medications, refer to the
list to determine what medications are needed for
cases during the upcoming week.
The list should include the primary medication
used for all procedures and the second- and third-
Managing Medication Shortages
Planning for drug scarcities ensures you deliver safe patient care.
Allen Vaida, PharmD, FASHP
DAILY UPDATES Check websites that monitor drug shortages and communicate with medication supply reps to avoid
running out of critical medications.