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U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 0
e've developed a sign system to alert
staff and physicians about a patient's risk
factors such as allergies, falls, insulin
dependence and skin tears. The signs are printed
with large, upper-case lettering, laminated and
clipped onto the patient's IV pole, allowing staff to
immediately see them when they walk into a room.
These alerts are entered onto patients' EMRs as well
to cover all bases.
The signs work very well and have helped us
avoid a couple near misses with latex allergies.
They're easy and affordable to make; we make
them ourselves with computer paper and pur-
chased a lamination machine. The signs are sani-
tized at the same time beds are cleaned. We used
to print out and hang paper signs, but the laminat-
ed versions work better since we can pull and
reuse them from a stock of already cleaned signs
we have at the ready.
Lora Crum, RN
Gulf Coast Endoscopy and
Surgery Center of Venice
Venice, Fla.
WARNING LABEL Laminated alerts ensure staff are aware of a patient's specific risk factors.
Signs Signal What Precautions to Take
Ideas Work