Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Subscribers

The Secret of Gritflowness - October 2020 - Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/1295137

Contents of this Issue


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35, 49 3M Health Care (888) 327-5380 3m.com 71 AORN Foundation/Stryker (800) 253-3210 stryker.com OBC Arthrex (800) 933-7001 arthrex.com 30 Bankers Healthcare Group (866) 280-5476 bankershealthcaregroup.com 43 Cygnus Medical (800) 990-7489 cygnusmedical.com 47 Eizo (800) 800-5202 eizo.com 59 GelPro Medical (866) 435-6287 gelpromedical.com IFC Getinge (800) 475-9040 getinge.com 37 Global Life Technologies (877) 669-4648 nozin.com 5 Healthmark Industries (800) 521-6224 hmark.com 33 Hospital Safety Solutions (844) 889-6757 hospitalsafetysolutions.com 55 Innomed (800) 548-2362 innomed.net 58 Innovative Sterilization Technologies (937) 619-0138 iststerilization.com 65 Mizuho OSI (800) 777-4674 osiosi.com 29 Pajunk Medical Systems (888) 972-5865 pajunk-usa.com 39 PDI (800) 999-6423 pdihc.com 63 Schaerer Medical (800) 755-6381 schaerermedicalusa.com 27 Soothing Scents (888) 393-7330 soothing-scents.com 13 Synovis MCA (800) 510-3318 synovismicro.com 23 Teleflex Medical (800) 523-8446 teleflex.com 32 TOMI Environmental Solutions (800) 525-1698 tomimist.com 41 United Endoscopy (800) 899-4847 endoscope.com 51 Welmed (312) 836-3742 welmed.us Page Company Phone Number Website Ad Index If one or more of the products in this issue grabbed your attention, we can help you learn more! Getting more information about our vendors' exciting products and services has never been easier! Simply email us at getinfo@outpatientsurgery.net and provide the information below. We'll contact the vendor for you—it's that easy! In your email, please just tell us the name of the issue (for example, this is our issue), the page number and the advertiser of each product or service for which you'd like more information. Please be sure to include your name, title, facility, address, phone and email address. We'll pass along the request to our advertisers and they'll reach out to you with more information—it's a breeze! Thank you for being a loyal Outpatient Surgery Magazine reader! Did one of our ads blow you away? We've made it easy for you to request more information!

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