O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0
• O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y . N E T • 7 1
Stryker played a huge role in every step of the process.
Stryker's familiarity with our surgeons' workflows helped
the ASC surgical team learn our surgeons' preferences
so that each doctor had personalized equipment accord-
ing to their wants and needs for each kind of procedure.
Stryker is also committed to providing the latest operat-
ing room equipment and accessories with flexible
options for technology refresh to keep that equipment
state of the art for years to come. As mentioned earlier,
we had Mako Technology available from the beginning
of our outpatient total joint program, which helped us
make high-acuity procedures such as total knee arthro-
plasty, total hip arthroplasty and partial knee arthroplas-
ty simpler by cutting down on the number of instru-
ments and instrument trays needed. Overall, they made
what can be a very complicated process extremely sim-
ple, allowing myself and the surgeons on my team to
focus on patient care.
There's evidence that ASCs aren't going away any time
soon, even after the pandemic is in the rearview. Just
recently, the CMS proposed a 2.6% boost to ASC pay-
ment rates for the 2021 coverage year, and recom-
mended inclusion of THA on the ASC-approved list of
procedures. Expect that boost to speed the migration of
spine and joint procedures out of the hospital setting.
The potential benefits of ASCs are clear, and though
migration provides certain challenges, there are options
available to make the process much simpler. Vendors
such as Stryker can help ensure that whenever the
time is right to begin moving procedures to the ASC, it
can happen as seamlessly as possible. g
Dr. Nessler trained at the Mayo Clinic
Rochester MN, He is a partner at Saint
Cloud Orthopedics, Sartell MN, and
owner/partner in the Saint Cloud Surgical
Center, Saint Cloud MN. His practice is
Adult Hip and Knee reconstruction with an
emphasis on outpatient and robotic joint replacement and
revision arthroplasty.
Dr. Nessler is a paid consultant of Stryker Orthopaedics.
The opinions expressed by Dr. Nessler are those of
Dr. Nessler and not necessarily those of Stryker.
Individual experiences may vary.
your ASC
The strategy. The solution.
The financing. Stryker's ASC
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