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U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0
Mizuho OSI
ProAxis Spinal Surgery Table
Mizuho, which
launched an
advanced spine
surgery table in
2013, highlights this
table's ability to
support OR efficien-
cy and simplify
workflow. Its
hinged radiolucent
frame is said to provide superior surgical
access, precision and flexibility to facilitate a
wide range of simple and complex spine and
imaging procedures, especially those requiring
intraoperative flexion and extension of the lum-
bar spine. Designed for prone, lateral and
supine positions, the table can be adjusted in
increments as small as one degree and offers
two position memory settings.
Carbon Spine OR Tabletop
Here's an example of a specialty
tabletop for spine surgery that
might be attractive to multispe-
cialty surgery centers who use
Hillrom's TS 7500 OR Table,
which is designed to accommo-
date a wide variety of surgical
disciplines. The Carbon Spine OR
Tabletop, designed for complex
spine surgery procedures, fea-
tures a low profile and open foot
room to improve access to the
patient. Hillrom also offers relat-
ed pads, components and acces-
sories that offer flexible position-
ing for the various anatomies of
spine patients.