Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.
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6 0 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0 T he risks and dangers of complex spine procedures are significant, so surgeons must work with specially designed tables that give them the access, visibility, versatility, posi- tioning and control they require to treat patients safely and effective- ly. If you're expanding your facili- ty's spinal offerings or thinking about bringing new cases into your outpatient ORs, you'll need tables made specifically for this growing specialty. • Versatility is key. Most spine tables used today are based on the Jackson table design. The nice thing about the Jackson table is it can be used for every operation a spine surgeon per- forms. For spine procedures tak- ing place in the outpatient set- ting, you want to invest in one table on which you can swap different attach- ments and accessories that are easy to store and don't take up a lot of space. • A solid base. Leading spine tables have radiolu- cent surfaces to accommodate intraoperative imag- ing and a base that doesn't need to be changed, regardless of the types of procedures surgeons per- form. This certainty about the table's footprint is well-suited to space-conscious surgery centers, where the goal is to keep OR set-ups as uniform and cookie-cutter as possible. Because the uniform bases of the spine table always remains a constant, no matter what top is being used, it provides predictability for both staff and administration. The table never becomes a lim- iting factor in terms of the surgeries you can per- form, because you know exactly how much floor space the table will occupy. This uniformity also helps turnover times, because you never have to move different tables in and out of the same OR to accommodate various types of spine surgeries. When tables have a uniform base, moving around the OR, maneuvering equipment around the table and storing equipment underneath the surface becomes much more familiar and easier, which is important in spine surgeries. For example, when we need to take an intraoperative X-ray, we can easily maneuver fluoroscopy equipment around the table because the space underneath and around the sur- face is generous. • Interchangeable tops. Spine tables come with different attachments that allow you to reconfigure the surface for various procedures and patient posi- tions. We can extend the length of our Jackson table as needed, for example, although we've rarely had to make that adjustment. The tallest patient I've had on the table was six-foot-seven. He fit on the standard configuration, but we could have extended Spine Tables Delicate procedures demand dynamic patient positioning options. Thinking of Buying … Sheeraz Qureshi, MD, MBA BACKBONES OF SUCCESS Radiolucent frames and interchangeable attachments enhance surgical access and intraoperative imaging.