Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Subscribers

The Secret of Gritflowness - October 2020 - Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 58 of 75

were designed with efficiencies in mind. They include often-used supplies such as syringes, med- ication labels, surgical sponges, suction tubing and mayo stand covers — and allow you to spend less time preparing for the next day's cases. Procedure packs save significant time and expense because you don't have to collect individual items when pulling supplies for cases and vendors charge less money for pre-packaged supplies. We throw proce- dure packs for the next day's cases into laundry baskets for easy access during room turnovers. Inefficiencies and waste creep in, however, when you don't monitor the items included in packs. You must constantly evaluate what con- tents of packs are used on a consistent basis and what items often get thrown out at the end of pro- cedures. For example, if you typically used two suction tubings in a procedure and now routinely use one, contact the pack's vendor to make the adjustment. Plan ahead if you're going to downsize or change the items included in your packs because it can take vendors six to 12 weeks to implement the change. Packs shouldn't contain extra "just-in-case" items. Jettisoning those is a really good way to save money. If you need an extra item during a case, you can always pull it from your regular supply inventory, which is much less expensive than throwing out extra items in packs during every procedure. If some surgeons use a cautery pencil and some don't, leave it out of a procedure pack. It often costs less to grab an item a particular surgeon wants than it is to order customized packs based on each surgeon's prefer- ence card and procedure. OSM O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y . N E T • 5 9 STOP THE HURT WHILE YOU WORK ERGONOMIC FLUID MANAGEMENT MAT Our 3-D design relieves pressure and absorbs shock to promote proper circulation. It diminishes knee, leg, back and foot discomfort while standing for long periods during procedures. Open grid allows fl uids to fl ow through the mat onto an absorbent pad. ABSORBENT PAD NOT INCLUDED • Waterproof/bacteria-resistant • Made from closed cell EVA • Promotes blood circulation • Prevents numbness • Expendable / Limited Use NEW! GelProMedical.com For additional information & other ergonomic anti-fatigue mat options, contact Will Jones. willj@letsgel.com | ( 512 ) 628-1704 18"x 27" BREATHABLE MASSAGING COMFORT ALL THINGS CONSIDERED No decision is too small — such as removing unneeded sup- plies from a procedure pack — if it saves money. Ms.Gonzalez (cgonzalez@floridamed- icalclinic.com) is a director for Florida Medical Clinic, which operates three ASCs and nearly 50 facilities in the greater Tampa Bay area.

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