Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Subscribers

The Secret of Gritflowness - October 2020 - Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y . N E T • 11 H ere's a fun and effective way to make sure your facility's written policies are fol- lowed. First, create a series of cards that each contain a policy your staff needs to know, and the steps required to comply with the directive. The cards should be double-sided, with identical steps printed under a green header on one side and a red header on the other. Next, create a display board in a centralized location with clear slots — according to the days of the week over a series of four or five weeks — in which the cards can be placed. Set aside about 10 cards that contain the policies you'd like to monitor — hand hygiene and endo- scope cleaning, for example. You can exchange pol- icy cards as needed to ensure you're constantly monitoring practices that need extra attention. Pull a card out of the stack each day and observe your staff in action to make sure they comply with the card's policy. If staff are in full compliance, slide the card into the daily slot on the board with the green side facing out. If staff are not in compliance, display it with the red side facing out. Once a day, meet with your team in front of the board to dis- cuss successes (green cards) and areas of needed improvement (red cards). Keep the conversations positive and constructive. The give-and-take should be used as opportunities for staff to share their ideas for improving practices, not as punitive reminders of what they're doing poorly. Picking cards from a stack randomizes policy observations, preventing you from covering the same ground multiple times or simply running through a series check boxes during rote monitor- ing. The process also keeps staff accountable on a daily basis and lets you identify issues that need to be addressed immediately instead of waiting for monthly performance reports before acting. Tami Geske, RN, BSN Rogue Regional Medical Center Medford, Ore. tami.geske@asante.org QUALITY IMPROVEMENT Shuffling the Deck on Staff Performance Card: #1 Hand Hygiene Select 2 Staff Members and observe 5 opportunities for hand hygine for each staff member. Did they cleanse their hands at each opportunity? World Health Organization's Opportunities: 1. Before patient contact 2. Before an aseptic task 3. After body fluid exposure risk 4. After patient contact 5. After contact with patient surroundings If patient is in enteric precautions, did they wash their hands with soap and water? Note: Assessing compliance will take 2 to 10 minutes to complete. Check the items listed on this card to assess compliance. If good, insert the card into the slot with "green" side showing. If issues are found, please place card in slot with "red" showing and document corrective actions on board. IN THE CARDS Posting observational outcomes on a centralized board creates a real- time, daily auditing system. Tami Geske, RN, BSN

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