Outpatient Surgery Magazine

The Secret of Gritflowness - October 2020 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 31 of 75

devices take much less time to disinfect than HPV systems — approximately 15 to 25 minutes per area. However, they only kill contaminants within a direct line of site of the UV light beam, points out Ms. Perri. "They may be quick, but you have to move the device two to three times to disinfect a typical OR," she adds. Still, the devices are effective and can be used in a variety of ways. For instance, St. Charles Health System in Bend, Ore., acquired three UV-C devices that have been used to reduce the cases of hospital- acquired infections from C. diff., disinfect a surgical instrument sterilization room following a sewage pipe burst and disinfect emergency room areas dur- ing a flu outbreak. The facility also employs a UV-C device to disinfect ORs used for total joint replace- ments, sterilize a cardiac cath lab and spot clean other areas of its facilities. "The greatest benefit of the device is being able to kill spores in the areas that you can't reach to clean," says Rochelle "Rockie" Shatka, CHESP, environmental services manager at St. Charles Health. After the environmental services staff completes a thorough manual cleaning of rooms, they run the UV-C machine — purchased for around $100,000 — through a cleaning cycle, which takes 45 minutes to complete, according to Ms. Shatka. You may think incorporating whole-room disin- fection into a well-established workflow process would take some getting used to, but Ms. Shatka says the process was pretty seamless. "We just incorporated it as part of our standard cleaning process," says Ms. Shatka. • Hydrogen peroxide vapor. These systems pro- duce airborne hydrogen peroxide in the form of a vapor or mist, which covers every surface of the enclosed space in which they are located and are used for terminal cleanings of ORs. They take longer to run than UV-C systems — in some cases 3 2 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0 NO-TOUCH S A ENHANCE F D ® STERAMIST O T CILITY PRO A TM E ST DISINFECTION OLS WITH OC T MIS A RA E THCARE LT HEAL R SU INN UPE E V O 7.8% HYDROGEN PEROXIDE TIVE INGREDIENT OF C SOLE A ERIOR MATERIAL COMPATIBILITY Y WITH C ERED EFFICA T REGIS - A EP NO WIPING OR RINSING REQUIRING Y G O TIVE TECHNOL A 98 16 5. 2 5 . 800 VA TOMIMIST.COM Y AY D O T Y Y WITH V A STERAMIST DISINFECT Y Y G O TECHNOL ® CILITY A UR F O Y

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