Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.
Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/1284191
K eeping costs in check is the best way to maintain profitability and long-term viability in a highly competitive market where every dollar counts, and finding value at the margins has been a core component of Eye 35 ASC. The facility in Schertz, Texas, is owned by Ken Maverick, MD, and James D. Lehmann, MD, who trust in the center's management to run their facility in a time-efficient and cost-effective manner. "We think that has a huge impact on the overall success of our facility," says Carson McCafferty, MSN, RN, CNOR, CSSM, CSRN, the center's clinical director. Eye 35 ASC has taken several steps to rein in costs and operate as efficiently as possible, earn- ing its staff the 2020 OR Excellence Award in Financial Management. • Partnering with patients. Members of the cen- ter's business staff make multiple attempts to con- tact each patient seven to 10 days before their scheduled cases to discuss their financial responsi- bilities, insurance benefits and payment options. The result? Decreased day-of-surgery cancellations due to patients being caught off guard by pricing; in most cases, patients pay prior to the day of surgery. "If a patient didn't owe any money, we weren't ini- tially calling them," says Ms. McCafferty. "But due to patient feedback, we now call everybody because they don't want to walk in wondering if they're going to owe something." Eye 35 staff will call a patient multiple times, leaving messages if the patient doesn't answer. Email is also used. "Anything just to make contact with them," says Ms. McCafferty. Adds Eye 35 Executive Director Jesse Alvarado, "We work closely with surgeons' practices. They make sure patients contact us once they book sur- gery to get their insurance verified and figure out what their fees would be. We're doing as much as we possibly can to make the day of surgery smoother for patients." • Versatile staff. Most of Eye 35's staff is trained to handle the responsibilities of multiple depart- ments, which Ms. McCafferty says reduces the need for additional hires, promotes respect for each department and process, increases efficiencies and reduces staffing expenses. "If a staff member calls out, we're able to fluidly move people around so it doesn't slow down our efficiency," she says. • A move to reusables. Dee Dee Scutt, who is both Eye 35's head surgical tech and materials man- ager, is always seeking and evaluating reusable products to lower case costs. "We run evaluations on single-use versus reusables just to see where it 3 8 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 Joe Paone | Senior Associate Editor It All Adds Up to Significant Savings Eye 35 ASC relies on teamwork, smart supply usage and clear communication to operate in the black. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT BY THE WAY Karen Dargan, RN (left), and surgical tech/materials manager Dee Dee Scutt prep for an OR case by labeling syringes that will be used. Often, such interactions lead to discussions about materials the OR team uses or needs. James D. Lehmann, MD/Karla Sanchez