1 0 • S U P P L E M E N T T O O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0
he value of crisp visu-
alization during
arthroscopy couldn't
be clearer. If sur-
geons can't optimally
observe the joints they're diagnos-
ing and treating, the best possible
outcomes may not be realized.
Arthroscopy is one of the most
commonly performed orthopedic
procedures and recent advance-
ments in the visualization systems
surgeons use have provided them
the most up-to-date technology for
the best possible patient care.
We recently re-evaluated our
video tower systems and have
been pleased with the changes
we made.
It starts
with the camera
Quality and durability of the cam-
era head are key because they ulti-
mately dictate what is viewed on
the screen. In addition to a really
good camera, we chose a 4K mon-
itor, which offers four times the
resolution and color reproduction
of standard HD and more detailed
images of small tissues and
organs. Here's the most critical
factor: Make sure the camera and
monitor display are both 4K to
ensure the imaging chain pro-
duces a near life-like picture of tissue inside the
joints. If you pair a 1080p camera with a 4K moni-
tor, you won't get a true 4K image.
There are other exciting innovations in arthro-
scopic visualization systems that aren't simply
about picture quality, but still should factor heavily
in your decision.
• Autoclavable. Many newer camera heads are
autoclavable, which can free up OR time. The typi-
cal low-temp sterilization process for a camera head
is about 45 minutes. However, autoclavable camera
heads cut that time to about 15 minutes.
Shane J. Nho, MD, MS | Chicago
Advances in Arthroscopic Visualization
Crisp 4K imaging is just one of several key
components you should expect from your system.
IN SYNC The camera head and display monitor must be in 4K. A 1080p camera with a 4K monitor won't get you a true 4K image.