Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Subscribers

Elective Surgery is Essential - August 2020 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 59 of 77

that current cleaning and HLD processes with proper adherence to instructions for use (IFUs) will eliminate traces of the coronavirus in scopes. You might have expected the spread of the coronavirus to require altering your scope cleaning and HLD protocols in some way. Professional societies have recom- mended some minor changes (see "Proper Endoscope Care During the Pandemic" on p. 55), but for the most part, COVID-19 simply serves as a very loud wakeup call for you to revisit proper manual cleaning and HLD techniques, and reeducate your reprocess- ing techs on the importance of following the multiple steps involved in the processes. With that in mind, make sure you have, and that your staff fully understands, the specific IFUs for each type of scope in your fleet. Are your IFUs up to date? Are all of the cleaning and care steps being followed? Dr. Lim suggests checking in with your scope vendor, if you haven't already, to find out if the IFUs for your fleet of scopes have been updated since the COVID-19 outbreak. His vendor reported that COVID-19 doesn't require any changes to its scopes' cleaning reg- imen. "I talked to them directly about it," says Lim. "Their stance is, as long as you follow what you're supposed to do, there should be no problem. What they publicly say, and what their data says, is that as long as you're cleaning scopes the way they tell you to do it, there's no risk of transmission." None of Dr. Lim's patients have turned up positive or transmitted the virus while in his care. "But we're currently performing proce- dures only on COVID-negative patients. At this point, I would be really reluctant to accept a COVID-positive patient for an elective endoscopy." OSM 6 0 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 .driscope.co www isit V channels of your sco nspect and dry the in ant to learn the best om opes? nternal t way to roducts! one of our A filtered or ins PA Help keep your scop HEP Aid Pr strument air Dri Scope atient safe with o pes dry and p Th t d d t LD. both pre and post H annels to inspect the internal ch The most advanced system Aid Pr A-filtered or instrument air Dri-Scope PA HEP roducts! JUST CHECKING Small-diameter borescopes are one way to check lumens for residual bacteria after high-level disinfection. Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center

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