J U L Y 2 0 2 0 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y . N E T • 4 3
has com-
the calcu-
lus of outpatient surgery.
You want patients to
spend as little time in
your facility as possible —
and likely, so do they. You
must be more proactive
than ever in advancing
high-value, high-quality
care pathways. The
Enhanced Recovery After
Surgery (ERAS) and the
Perioperative Surgical
Home (PSH) models can
be extremely powerful,
transformative tools in
that effort.
I've seen enhanced recovery work wonders for patients and facili-
ties alike, time and time again. Effective implementation requires both
evidence-based standardization and highly individualized patient care.
It's a lot of work to implement. There are lots of hearts and minds to
win over, and time-honored practices to change. But it's worth it in
Send Patients Home Sooner and Healthier
Enhanced recovery protocols are more
important than ever during the coronavirus crisis.
BE PREPARED Successful implementation of enhanced recovery protocols
involves more intensive patient education and communication throughout the
entire episode of care.
Zeev Kain, MD, MBA | Orange, Calif.