1 6 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J U L Y 2 0 2 0
taff can feel disconnected from the decisionmakers who
determine how facilities are run. Giving them an opportuni-
ty to have their voices heard and speak openly with leader-
ship can improve their engagement and satisfaction levels. We host-
ed an informal Q&A session with our center's medical director over
a pizza lunch. We set up lobby chairs in a circle with the medical
director seated slightly toward the center. While we ate, staff were
encouraged to ask the director about anything –– from the inner-
workings of our center to clinical questions about new devices or
procedures –– that was on their minds. The event was informative
and fun, and our employees got to know the medical director on a
more personal level.
Grab Some Pizza and Pick Your Leader's Brain
LAID-BACK LEARNING Staff at Cityview Surgery Center listen as their medical director fields questions during an informal
Ideas Work