J U L Y 2 0 2 0 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y . N E T • 1 3
ing kits here:
After we determined
we could make the
kits, the hard part was
keeping up with the
demand. We started
with 14 volunteers
from different depart-
ments within our
organization. Nurses,
physicians, techs,
administrators and
even staff from the
data analytics depart-
ment teamed up to
assemble the kits by
hand and place the
materials into one biohazard bag at a time.
Before long, word spread and more staff volunteered to help out.
When we were at our peak, the entire group operated like a well-oiled
machine. In the end, we created more than 176,000 test kits from
Karen Maloney, MSN, RN, CASC
Korie Enscoe, MSN, RN
Allegheny Health Network
Pittsburgh, Pa.
RAW MATERIALS AHN staff assembled more than 176,000 test kits from scratch.