Still, we have to balance healthy eating habits with
enjoying life. Just because a food is good for us, doesn't
mean we have to like it. I've almost been thrown out of
parties for daring to utter that I don't care for avocados
or their ugly stepsister, guacamole. I also don't enjoy kale.
To me, it tastes like how I imagine that stuff you pull
from the bottom of the lawn mower would. Of course,
enough ranch dressing can make anything palatable.
What I've discovered over the years is that I can't be trust-
ed to go out into the world for my sustenance. Not if I wish
to stay on any semblance of a healthy eating plan. I wish I
could drive thru the Golden Arches and ask for the healthiest
thing on the menu. But even if I have the willpower to order
a salad instead of something super-sized, I still can't help
adding a "few" fries or a "tiny" dessert to my order.
The keys to maintaining a healthy eating plan are planning and
mindfulness. Pack your snacks and a lunch. You'll likely find the
health benefits outweigh the extra time it takes to plan your meals for
the week. Don't be beholden to the cafeteria or neighboring restau-
rants. Eating out should be a treat. Instead of hitting the vending
machine during that inevitable mid-afternoon slump, reach for string
cheese or a piece of fruit.
When your jealous colleagues comment on the new "pep in your
step" and want to know your secret, just tell them it's a good night's
sleep, avoiding junk food and a daily dose of Lactobacillus-bulgari-
Ms. Frances ( is a motivational speaker, author and
former professional standup comedian who's been seen on NBC, Lifetime and
Comedy Central. She'll be the opening keynote speaker at this year's Virtual
OR Excellence 2020 (
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