1 2 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J U L Y 2 0 2 0
hen it became clear there was a severe shortage of
COVID-19 testing kits in our area, we decided to build our
own with a team of volunteers at our newly opened out-
patient surgery center.
Each kit consisted of a swab, a 10 or 15 milliliter test tube to
hold the swab sample, the chemical solution that preserves the
sample until it can be tested at a lab, two biohazard bags, labels
for the tube and testing instructions. You can read a more detailed
account of the process we used to make the in-house COVID-19 test-
Make Your Own COVID-19 Testing Kits
NOT ALONE Staff volunteers at Allegheny Health Network found strength in each other while facing the challenges of the
COVID-19 outbreak.
Ideas Work