J U L Y 2 0 2 0 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y . N E T • 1 1
s a clinical educator, I focus on
three major components of air-
way management competency:
knowledge, skill and attitude. We've
added validation and verifications of
hands-on skills and attitude through sim-
ulation training to make sure staff grasp
the basics of this critical aspect of
patient care. Here's how it works:
• Knowledge. Staff provide their base-
line understanding of airway manage-
ment by completing pre-training surveys
on iPads. They then receive a packet
with illustrations and theories behind proper airway management.
• Skill. Staff are observed inserting nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal
airways on a mannequin during training based on actual clinical scenarios.
• Attitude. Staff answer questions during a skill validation session to
verify the importance they place on airway management. They verbal-
ize what they're doing during specific airway tasks and what to look
for when performing them.
The feedback from our staff has been overwhelmingly positive
regarding this in-service. They find the format fun and stress-free, and
enjoy the hands-on, interactive training. This new approach has
allowed me to gain a better understanding of our staff's skill level, their
true competency and their comfort level with airway management.
Julie Castillo, MSN, RN, CPAN
PIH Health Downey (Calif.) Hospital
Airway Management
KEEP IT REAL Staff at PIH Health Downey (Calif.)
Hospital appreciate a hands-on approach to learn-