In order to fully realize the benefits of faster recovery times, invest
in an adequate number of ultrasound machines. Delays can occur if
providers are forced to wait for a facility's communal machine to
become available. My belief is that there should be a readily accessi-
ble ultrasound machine in every operating room.
Proven success
My own experience with nerve blocks gives me a personal insight I
share with my patients. I've been using ultrasound-guided nerve
blocks for more than 13 years, and I have no shortage of success sto-
ries because of it.
Every one of my patients who doesn't need opioids to wake up pain-
free, nausea-free and discharge-ready in 15 minutes is a success story.
Every patient who wakes up amazed they have no pain after having
their shoulder replaced is a success story. Every time I tell a patient
my goal is to have them awake, alert and pain-free shortly after their
procedure is finished and it happens, that's a success story.
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Dr. Durick ( is the medical director of Envision
Physician Services in Walnut Creek, Calif.