The Senate passed SB 91 unanimously in February. It was sent to
the Kentucky House Health and Family Services Committee, but
not brought up for a hearing. before the legislature adjourned.
SB 347 was introduced and heard in the Georgia Senate Health
and Human Services Committee in March. AORN worked with the
Georgia Nurses Association to support grassroots efforts to
advance the legislation. The bill did not get moved to a summer
study session before the legislature suspended its session in
response to the pandemic.
New Jersey
AB 3982 was ready to be introduced when the General Assembly
temporarily suspended its 2020 session due to COVID-19. Now
reconvened, the bill has been introduced. However, COVID-19
relief and the state budget have put it on the back burner.
HB 5421 was introduced by the Public Health Committee in
March. Scheduled and then re-scheduled for a hearing, it didn't
advance because the General Assembly suspended its session
shortly after due to COVID-19.
Rhode Island
Law went into effect January 2019.
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