1 0 8 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J U N E 2 0 2 0
lective procedures are beginning again in areas of the country
where the curve of the new coronavirus is flattening. If you
already have strong infection prevention protocols in place,
adjust them in response to novel COVID-19 challenges. If you don't,
this is a great time to establish them. Safely caring for patients and
protecting your staff from exposure to dangerous bacteria and viruses
has always required vigilance in following best practices. COVID-19
simply raises the stakes. Your "new normal" of infection prevention
Limit the Risks of COVID-19
Focus on the fundamentals to protect patients and staff from exposure.
Infection Prevention
Franklin Dexter, MD, PhD, FASA
COVID HANGOUTS Bacterial and viral pathogens tend to accumulate in areas away from the surgical field, and the novel coron-
avirus is no exception.