Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.
Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/1254275
As elective surgeries begin to be scheduled after the Covid-19 shutdown, Hospital, Ambulatory, and Interventional Radiology Surgical sites are preparing for patients. Before operating rooms are scheduled IRUVXUJHU\DIWHUVXUJHU\HYHU\HRUWPXVWEHPDGH to ensure patient safety. It is the time to make sure every inch of your OR is scrubbed, disinfected and made safe. We appropriately focus on eliminating environmental microbial contamination while reinforcing practices directed at reducing microbial introduction during invasive procedures. However, some related culprits have been proven time and time again over the last several decades to cause post-surgical complications and \HWFRQWLQXHWREHLQVXɝFLHQWO\ addressed. These diminutive culprits can be transported on air currents, increasing their pres- HQFHZLWKJURZLQJWUDɝFLQWKH OR. They originate from items such as apparel, surgical towels, drapes, gauze, instrument liners, and patient positioning aids. They ODQGRQVXUJLFDOOLJKWȴ[WXUHVORSHVDQGLQVWUXPHQWV guidewires and catheters, and in the surgical wound. Depending on the type of surgery or other invasive SURFHGXUHȴEHUFRQWDPLQDWLRQRIWKHZRXQGFDQ FDXVHRUDPSOLI\H[LWLQJSRVWVXUJLFDOFRPSOLFDWLRQV LQFOXGLQJ6XUJLFDOVLWHLQIHFWLRQV%LRȴOPIRUPDWLRQ Embolisms, Granulomatous peritonitis, Chronic adhe- VLRQV([FHVVLYHLQȵDPPDWLRQ3RRUZRXQGKHDOLQJ Ophthalmic injury. Although each complication can have multiple caus- HVWKHUROHRIFHOOXORVHȴEHUVIURPFRWWRQDQGZRRG pulp (paper) materials have not been taken seriously in several surgical Specialties and many facilities. &HOOXORVHȴEHUVWKHPVHOYHVFDXVHSDWKRSK\VLRORJLFDO responses when present in various human tissues. 7KHVHUHVSRQVHVDUHDPSOLȴHGE\WKHSUHVHQFHRI FKHPLFDOVG\HVSUHVHUYDWLYHVVRIWHQHUVȴUHUHWDU- GDQWVZDWHUSURRȴQJDJHQWVHQGRWR[LQVDQGRWKHU agents and organics that are often present on individ- XDOȴEHUVWKDWPD\PDNHXSLWHPVLQWKHVXUJLFDO VXLWHΖIWKHVHFRDWHGȴEHUVFRQWDPLQDWHWKHZRXQG WKHVXEVWDQFHVFDQOHDFKIURPWKHȴEHUVRYHUWLPH SRWHQWLDOO\FDXVLQJGLUHFWWR[LFGDPDJHDQGWULJJHULQJ DQLQȵDPPDWRU\LPPXQHUHVSRQVH Granulomas: $JDLQZHVHHOLQWȴEHUVDQGSDUWLFOHV DVIRFLWULJJHULQJWKHSURWHFWLYHȊZDOOLQJRȋVWUDWHJ\ to prevent escape of these perceived threats into the rest of the body. Macrophage white blood cells surround foreign object and merge their cell mem- EUDQHVIRUPLQJDGLVWLQFWȊJLDQWFHOOȋPLFURVFRSLF IRUPDWLRQ0DQ\ȴEHUVRUSDUWL- cles, in the abdominal cavity can result in granulomatous sterile or infectious peritonitis. A Case Study for us all to re- member: Three area hospitals H[SHULHQFHGFDVHVRIFHOOXORVH ȴEHUIRUHLJQERG\JUDQXORPDWRXV UHDFWLRQV6L[SDWLHQWVVXHUHG granulomatous peritonitis, with one mortality. Twenty-two addi- tional surgeries were performed on these patients. An additional GD\VRIKRVSLWDOL]DWLRQZHUHUHTXLUHGWRDG- dress the complications associated with reactions to FHOOXORVHȴEHUVIURPVXUJLFDOGUDSHVSXUFKDVHGE\DOO three hospitals. Reduce post-surgical complication risks for your pa- tient by preventing surgical site contamination by lint ȴEHUV (to read the full article, visit www.impmedical.com) Wava Truscott, PhD. MBA. Truscott MedSci Associates, LLC. Dr. Wava Truscott received her doctorate in Comparative 3DWKRORJ\DWWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI California. Her areas of focus were Microbiology, Immunol- RJ\DQG3DWKRORJ\7UXVFRWWȇVSURIHVVLRQDOFDUHHULQFOXGHG %HQFKPHGLFDOGHYLFHVDIHW\DQGHɝFDF\WHVWLQJDWDQLQGH- pendent testing facility, Corporate responsibilities included PHGLFDOGHYLFHVDIHW\UHJXODWRU\DDLUVHGXFDWLRQDOFRXUVH development, and lecturing. The Importance of Eliminating Environmental Microbial Contaminations by Reducing Microbial Introduction ABOVE: TAPE PULL DEMONSTRATES TYPICAL LINT PARTICLES FOUND ON A TYPICAL SPD BUNDLE SPECIAL ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT 1 2 • S U P P L E M E N T T O O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J U N E 2 0 2 0