accessible by the minute. This convergence is changing the paradigm
of surgical training and education. Thanks to tools like virtual and aug-
mented reality, surgeons from around the globe can be with me in the
What prevents surgical professionals
from utilizing technology to its greatest potential?
A fear of change. For many medical professionals, change is a giant —
and difficult — mindset to fully embrace. But it's also essential that
we do so. If we don't challenge the dogma of older and sometimes
outdated methods of healthcare teachings and practices, then we
accept mediocrity. We must always put patient safety first, make sure
outcomes are measured and do our due diligence, but we must drive
innovation and work to improve outcomes. Those who become stag-
nant will lose out.
What type of legacy do you hope to leave?
Sharing knowledge is a core belief for me. Technology has allowed
me to rise above my natural aspiration and achieve more than I ever
thought would be possible. Whether it's empowering surgeons
through Facebook Live training, live-tweeting the world's first virtual
surgery or performing first-of-its-kind procedures using Google Glass,
these powerful tech platforms have allowed me to share my knowl-
edge with the maximum amount of people. It's all about connectivity.
To help a billion people, you need to connect a billion minds.
Dr. Ahmed ( is a cancer surgeon at The
Royal London Hospital and cofounder of Medical Realities, a virtual reality
education company.
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