A P R I L 2 0 2 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 2 5
magine a
central ster-
ile process-
ing depart-
ment that
looks like a high-
tech manufacturing
facility, with employ-
ees working along-
side advanced
machines with con-
veyer belts, sending
dirty instruments
through the entire reprocessing cycle. After the instruments are auto-
matically pulled through the washer-disinfector, technicians assemble
clean instruments alongside robots that neatly and efficiently wrap
finished trays in blue wrap. It seems like something out of a futuristic
flick, but that's the future of the central sterile processing department
thanks to new automation, robotics and even the exploration of virtu-
al or augmented reality. Here are a few of the new trends in instru-
ment reprocessing you should have on your radar.
1. Automation
Nearly every reprocessing equipment manufacturer now offers some
sort of automated washer-disinfector. These systems feature automat-
ed conveyors that pull racks full of instruments into the washer. All a
Bob Marrs, BA, ST, CRCST, CIS, CHL | Austin, Texas
Sterile Reprocessing Goes High Tech
Automation, advanced imaging and even blue
wrap wrapping robots are transforming instrument care.
• QUICK READ Providing digital access to instrument-specific reprocessing instruc-
tions at the point of care leads to greater efficiencies.