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Floor-Based Fluid Management Devices
Keep your ORs dry with these quicker and safer picker-uppers.
Thinking of Buying…
Joe Paone | Senior Associate Editor
urgeries can be splashy, messy affairs. Floor-based fluid man-
agement mats and pads are a more effective and economical
option than throwing blankets, towels or sheets down around
the OR table to absorb fluid runoff. These products save on laundering
costs, keep your surgical team safe from slipping hazards and help
speed up room turnovers. Some even offer ergonomic benefits.
There are a lot of models to consider. Here's a look at the various
factors you should consider when evaluating these floor-based super
• Disposable or reusable? Many mats are essentially high-tech
paper towels that you must properly dispose of as medical waste at
the end of the case. Others are reusable, particularly the ergonomical-
ly friendly mats.
• Suction or absorption? Some mats connect to direct-to-drain suc-
tion systems, absorbing fluids and directing them away from the OR
table. Others are like sponges, super-absorbent fluid collectors on
their own. When evaluating these products, compare how powerful
the suction is or how absorbent the mats are. There will be differ-
• Size. As you'll see in the product profiles on the following pages,
floor-based solutions come in all sorts of dimensions. It's best to meas-
ure the area where fluid usually spills during operations to get an idea
of which size would be best for your purposes.
• Profile. How flat do you want the mat to be? Could people trip
over an edge? Can you roll instrument carts and other equipment over
it or does it bunch up? Consider these factors when shopping the