8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • A P R I L 2 0 2 0
he sun was shining on a warm March day as I walked across the
parking lot of my son's school. Hours earlier, the governor of
Pennsylvania had called off classes to help slow the spread of
COVID-19. My nine-year-old looked up and yelled from across the play-
ground, "Dad, did you hear the news?" He balled his hands on either side
of his head and slowly spread his fingers wide: "mind blown." That about
sums up the sudden and rapid escalation of cancellations, closures, physi-
cal distancing and quarantines.
What the heck happened? When will life return to normal? Will it ever?
As we huddle in our homes with loved ones, we're left to worry about the
outbreak's short-term effect on our health and its long-term impact on the
Early last month, our editorial team was abruptly sent home and forced
to publish the issue you're holding while maintaining our physical distance.
The idea of telecommuting held plenty of appeal — until I was forced to
do it. My days are spent trying to strike a balance between work and home
without being able to leave the house. Instead of swallowing a quick lunch
at my real desk, I'm trimming crusts off jelly sandwiches, whittling seeds
off strawberries (don't ask) and adding no more than three squirts of
chocolate syrup to cups of milk for a raucous lunchtime crowd.
During video chats with colleagues, I've learned to angle my laptop to
keep piles of laundry out of view, pair button-ups with basketball shorts and
keep a finger on the mute button for those perfectly timed interruptions
from my young office assistants. Hallway commutes are nice, but it's diffi-
cult to find a stopping point without the pull to be home in time for dinner.
My rambunctious yellow lab provides me with regularly scheduled
breaks, forcing me to step away and step out. Late one afternoon, my
Homeward Bound
My new normal involves cutting crusts and countless conference calls.
Editor's Page
Daniel Cook