A P R I L 2 0 2 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 6 7
echnological advancements have allowed for the gradual
shift of complex surgeries from acute care hospitals to
outpatient ORs. Several procedures are on the move
again, this time to office-based procedure rooms, thanks
to minimally invasive approaches, improved pain control
options and progressive surgeons who want to provide patients with
convenient, effective care.
1. Balloon sinuplasty
This minimally invasive procedure can be safely performed as an
• IN AND OUT Better topical anesthetics and other advances have made balloon sinuplasty a popular procedure for doctors'
offices, as the surgery allows patients to forgo general anesthesia, recover quickly and even drive themselves home.
Adam Taylor | Senior Associate Editor
Office-based Procedures Growing in Popularity
The evolution of surgical care continues as cases move on from the OR.