5 4 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • A P R I L 2 0 2 0
t the heart
of electro-
safety is a
understanding of how the
technology works and
the core principles driv-
ing its use. A base knowl-
edge of the physics
behind the mechanics
will lead to fewer injuries
caused by electrocautery
mishaps, says David
Renton, MD, MPH, an
associate professor of
general surgery at The
Ohio State University
Wexner Medical Center
in Columbus.
"The more you know
about electrosurgery technology, the safer you are," adds Dr. Renton,
"As I tell my surgical residents, 'You have to know how it all works —
the settings, electricity distribution, voltage, arcing. Everything.'"
Unfortunately, there's a knowledge gap when it comes to arming
new surgeons with a solid understanding of how electrosurgery
Electrosurgery Safety Essentials
A back-to-basics approach is more
critical than ever for your surgeons, staff and patients.
• A STEP AHEAD Regardless of technological advances, a firm understanding
of the core principles behind electrosurgery will ensure your surgeons perform
safer surgery.
Jared Bilski | Managing Editor