A P R I L 2 0 2 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 7
ur PACU staff used to ask
that question a lot because
we didn't have a designated
place to put them. When patients
handed over their glasses in pre-op,
we'd affix a sticker that noted the
patient's name to one of the glasses'
stems, and then layed them on a
counter in post-op. It looked unpro-
fessional, the patients didn't like the
sticky residue on their specs and the
glasses cluttered the counter. Ginger
Ouellette, RN, one of our pre-op
nurses, came up with the idea for a
glasses caddy. It's made of vinyl,
which is easy to disinfect with a
quick wipe. When patients hand over
their glasses, we slide one of the stems through a slit in a small piece
of paper on which we note the patient's name. The glasses are folded,
and then placed in a slot in the caddy, which we affixed to a cabinet
door in PACU. Our staff love the caddy, especially when patients
wake up after surgery and immediately want their glasses, because
the specs are neatly organized just a few steps away.
Nikki Williams, RN, CNOR
Lakeland (Fla.) Surgical & Diagnostic Center
'Where Are This Patient's Glasses?'
• NURSE VISIONARY Ginger Ouellette, RN, developed
the glasses caddy to keeps patients' specs organized and
safe while they're in surgery.