1 4 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • A P R I L 2 0 2 0
hen surveyors come knock-
ing, the worst thing you can
do is keep them waiting
while you scramble around searching
to find the documents they asked to
see. That's why we created a tab-
based system of organizing all of our
facility's critical operational info —
policies and procedures, employee
files, in-service and meeting details —
into binders in a way that makes it
easy for anyone to find exactly what
they're looking for in no time.
For example, we have a safety
binder that has specific tabs for
detailed information on how we con-
duct drills, manage medical gases and perform risk assess-
ments. When we flip the binder open at the corresponding tab,
the surveyor can see where we noted each specific time (Q1, Q2,
Q3, Q4 or annually) a drill was conducted. So, if a surveyor or
staff member wants to see when our last fire drill was conduct-
ed, they simply open to the drill tab and check. The binders keep
us organized and prepared for our next survey.
Cami Love, RN, BSN, CCM
Arkansas Specialty Surgery Center
Little Rock, Ark.
Tabs Make Critical Survey Info Easy to Find
• EASY ACCESS The staff at Arkansas
Specialty Surgery Center check one of its many
binders, which are organized with a system of
tabs to make needed information easy to find
during surveys.