the stream and make hand sanitizer, shouldn't medical manufacturers
be able to find a way to do something in the country's hour of need? My
sources tell me liquor stores are doing a booming business. Maybe
there are some other distilling entrepreneurs making their own hand
sanitizer. What's the alcohol percent in Vodka?
• Social distancing. I've been saying for years that I was going to
start wearing gloves and a mask in certain retail stores. What better
time than now? In line at the grocery store, I'm standing six feet away
from the person in front of me and using the food cart as a barricade
against the guy behind me. The third person in line started coughing
like a smoker. Everyone nearby, myself included, stopped talking, the
cashier stopped scanning products and everyone turned their heads at
the same time to look at Miss Coughing-Up-A-Lung. Seriously, a half
dozen people left their carts where they stood and practically ran for
the exit door. In the meantime, Miss Cougher was stammering and
swearing that it was only a sinus infection.
• Sanitizing insanity. I've been on a hand sanitizer frenzy. Totally
obsessed. I went to a pharmacy drive-thru and wiped my debit card
with hand sanitizer before I gave it to the clerk. When she gave it back
to me, I sanitized the card and the prescription. When I went to an
ATM, I sanitized the buttons, my debit card when it came back —
and even the money I received. Then, when I returned home, I
immediately showered and scrubbed with Dial soap.
We will get through this pandemic. Be diligent in protecting your-
selves and take every possible precaution. Try to find humor
and laughter wherever you can and, above all, please be
safe. Until next month, when we can only hope our lives are
closer to returning to some semblance of normalcy.
Contact Ms. Watkins at
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