1 1 4 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • A P R I L 2 0 2 0
here's simply no reference for dealing with the coronavirus
outbreak. As I prepare to embark on an assignment in a
California hot spot, there are some pandemic-related develop-
ments I can't wrap my warped mind around.
• Toilet paper hoarding. I read online that police are patrolling
paper product aisles in some grocery stores. How much Charmin do
people go through in a month? Maybe if this pandemic doesn't let up
anytime soon, all that quilted comfort can be used as a bartering tool.
• Public ignorance. We've all seen the clips of college kids partying
on Florida beaches, gathering in huge numbers and attempting to justi-
fying their actions after a few too many Coronas with ignorant com-
ments like, "If I get Corona, I get Corona." I hope none of these spring
breakers learn firsthand what it's like to take this deadly virus home to
their parents or grandparents. People's ignorance of this virus is push-
ing our healthcare system to capacity and directly leading to unneces-
sary deaths. While you may not have symptoms or get sick, you can be
a carrier — COVID-19 needs a host to survive, and it will take
whomever it can get. This virus doesn't care about age. Yes, even you
young things aren't immune. Please fly solo with your Solo cups.
• PPE problems. I find the current shortage to be a crime. We
have brave healtcare workers serving their country on the front
lines without the equipment to safely do so. Can't the compa-
nies that had their sterile packs recalled make some adjust-
ments in their production and create some masks? If liquor
distilleries can change char oak barrels in the middle of
Pandemonium During the Pandemic
People cope with the fear of the unknown in interesting ways.
Behind Closed Doors
Paula Watkins, RN
• BARGAINING CHIP Will the hoarders who stocked up on toilet paper use those coveted rolls to
trade for groceries?