A P R I L 2 0 2 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 1
atient satisfac-
tion surveys
and com-
ments from providers
trying to communicate
with patients indicat-
ed that the ambient
noise in our small
area was becoming an
issue, especially dur-
ing the early morning
hustle and bustle of
getting the day started. While noise-reducing options like acoustical
privacy curtains are a great option, they're expensive, and we agreed
that an alternate and immediate plan was needed. Our solution: a
Yakker Trakker. This inexpensive device is an interactive sound or
decibel meter designed like a traffic signal. When the room's volume
is at an acceptable level, the meter shines green. As volume rises, the
traffic light flashes yellow and when the preset decibel limit is
reached the device flashes red and sounds an alarm to remind every-
one to lower their voices. The device has helped to reduce the noise
factor in our facility in a fun and effective way.
Carmen Wilson, RN, BSN, CIC
Proliance Eastside Surgery Center
Kirkland, Wash.
Shhh! Patient Care in Progress
• QUIET, PLEASE Staff at the Proliance Eastside Surgery Center found a creative
way to manage noise levels in pre-op and PACU.