Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Marking Madness - April 2013 - Subscribe

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/122240

Contents of this Issue


Page 65 of 157

OSM560-April_DIGITAL_Layout 1 4/5/13 2:29 PM Page 66 A C C R E D I T A T I O N 6. Staff confidence If your center's like mine, you have a bare-bones staff who's crosstrained to increase manpower efficiencies. It'd be great if everyone could be actively involved in tracking updates and changes to accreditation stan- ! M=%#$,%E'#",(#%5'+% /-3*%0$".)6%/-3*%+E-3+,6% /-3C)%5'(#%#$,%='0"."#/% #-%@,%77789%'00*,)"#,)> ! F%G'0B%H1('#"(+B/6%IJ % 77789%K*,+"),(# % L*3+#,,6%M(+#"#3#,%=-*%N3'."#/%M:E*-4,:,(# dards, but that just isn't practical. That's why staff members often fear surveyors will ask them to quote a specific policy verbatim. That's not how !"#$%&#'()'*)+%#$'#%'*,%('#"-('../%*,0-1("2,)%'()%'((3'../% *,4",5,)6%77789%$'+%'00*,)"#,)%:-*,%#$'(%;6;<<%$,'.#$% 0'*,%='0"."#",+>%?,0'3+,%-3*%+3*4,/+%'*,%0-..'@-*'#"4,%@/%('#3*,% '()%(-#%A3+#%'%0$,0B."+#6%5,%'*,%'@.,%#-%:'#0$%,'0$%-=%-3*% +3*4,/-*C+%0*,),(#"'.+%'()%,DE,*",(0,%#-%/-3*%+E,0"'.#/>% 9$--+,%#$,%Y,'),*%"(%7:@3.'#-*/% &3*1,*/%700*,)"#'#"-(> O-*%:-*,%"(=-*:'#"-(6% 9-(#'0#%3+P%QRSTQ;UVW-*1 Y-1%-(P%555>'''$0>-*1T-+ surveyors work — they know the policies are on file somewhere in the facility for quick reference if needed. Surveyors are always respectful of staff and sincerely interested in how and why they do what they do. Staff relax by M:E*-4"(1%8,'.#$%9'*,%N3'."#/%#$*-31$%700*,)"#'#"-( 6 6 | O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E | A P R I L 2 013 feeding off the survey-

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