Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Marking Madness - April 2013 - Subscribe

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 56 of 157

OSM560-April_DIGITAL_Layout 1 4/5/13 2:28 PM Page 57 Warming the patients' skin and peripheral tissues before induction or anesthesia prevents so-called redistribution hypothermia. If prewarming occurs before the redistribution phase, you can reduce or eliminate hypothermia. Effective pre-warming "banks" the patient's heat so the patient arrives at the OR normothermic. If you forgo prewarming, patients might arrive in the OR normothermic, but they'll arrive in PACU hypothermic. "Our ideal is to pre-warm, and we do if they are a.m. admits," says a reader. "The non-scheduled cases don't always get pre-warmed." Another lamented the fact that she doesn't have enough warming devices to pre-warm all patients. For another hospital in our survey, the policy is to pre-warm patients with a forced-air warmer if the anesthesia will last longer than 15 minutes. In a randomized study by Katie Hooven (2008), more than twothirds (68%) of patients who were pre-warmed with a portable warming device remained normothermic during and after surgery. In comparison, only slightly more than two-fifths (43%) of the patients who weren't prewarmed remained normothermic. "Because the skin of the patient is warm, the need for the body to redistribute heat from the core to the periphery is reduced and normothermia is better maintained," says Deborah Edgeworth, BSN, CNOR, interim manager of surgical services of Genesis Medical Center in Davenport, Iowa. For shorter cases — some estimate that 59% of outpatient proceA P R I L 2 013 | O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E | 5 7

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