Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Marking Madness - April 2013 - Subscribe

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 125 of 157

OSM560-April_DIGITAL_Layout 1 4/5/13 2:32 PM Page 126 THINKING OF BUYING ... 5 Patient demographics Some devices offer a complete range of options for airway visualization, serving pediatric to adult to obese adult patients. Other manufacturers offer a limited size range. Anticipating future needs is an important step in selecting the appropriate video laryngoscope. Choose a device based on your patient population's demographics as well as the anticipated use of the instrument. Practice patterns and facility utilization evolve over time, and the capability to conduct video laryngoscopy among pediatric patients, for example, may be as easy as changing a disposable handle, or may require the purchase of an altogether different system. 6 Recording capability Some facilities may have a greater exposure to teaching (such as the education of residents, students, community emergency medical service providers or others). They may review untoward anesthetic events rigorously. For these facilities, the ability for providers to digitally record an entire intubation sequence and save it as a memory file on the video laryngoscope for download and later analysis may prove extremely advantageous. OSM Dr. De (dea@mail.amc.edu) is an assistant professor and division chief of anesthesiology and Mr. Kattato (kattatd@mail.amc.edu) is chief CRNA at the South Clinical Campus of Albany Medical Center in Albany, N.Y. 1 2 6 | O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E | A P R I L 2 013

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