Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Marking Madness - April 2013 - Subscribe

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 115 of 157

OSM560-April_DIGITAL_Layout 1 4/5/13 2:31 PM Page 116 S U R G I C A L E M E R G E N C I E S to MH suffers the complication upon each exposure to triggering anesthetic agents, or at all. Conversely, those who've undergone anesthesia without incident before can't be certain that they're not at risk. To safely manage MH-susceptible patients, you must first know who is susceptible. Your anesthesia providers should find out during their pre-operative assessments whether patients have any family history of anesthetic deaths and complications. Case 2: Office Emergency A healthy 9-year-old girl underwent tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy in an office-based surgical suite. She had no history of MH or myopathies in her family. She was induced by mask with sevoflurane, but needed 20mg of succinylcholine for intubation. Finding her jaw still tight, the anesthesiologist administered another 20mg. This actually increased the rigidity, but only in the jaw. He discontinued the sevoflurane and gave mivacurium for relaxation. The only changes in the patient's vital signs were an increase in endtidal CO2 to 80, attributed to hypoventilation, and a 1-degree rise in axillary temperature to 100.4°F. The patient began to wake, still intubated. After she was given 1mcg/kg fentanyl, her end-tidal CO2 was 65. The office had no facilities for lab work other than determining end-tidal CO2. The nearest hospital with a pediatric unit was 5 minutes away, the nearest pediatric intensive care unit 12 minutes away. The anesthesiologist had dantrolene on hand. He woke the child and 1 1 6 | O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E | A P R I L 2 013

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