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In the US, healthcare-associated infections
account for an estimated 1.7 million infections
and 99,000 associated deaths each year.
A great majority of these infections are present
on non-surgical surfaces.
HAIs can be acquired anywhere in a medical facility, whether it be from a scope, a
surgical instrument, hands or even a computer keyboard. Ruhof's ATP Complete®
Contamination Monitoring System now makes it possible to measure any surface
inside your hospital for microbial contamination in just 15 seconds. Quick, reliable
test results allow you to immediately clean any contaminated surface, helping to
lower the risk of HAIs to patients and staff.
Test ® Instrusponge™
ATP Complete® provides reliable results each time with our Hand-Held Monitoring
Device, medical-grade Test® Swab and
Test® Instrusponge™. In addition, the ATP
Complete® System includes easy-to-use
database Monitoring Software for tracking
ATP hygiene monitoring results. It allows
facilities to increase productivity, quickly
identify problem areas and track results.
Monitoring Software
For More Information
1-800-537-8463 www.ruhof.com
An ISO Registered Firm
Copyright ©2012 Ruhof Corporation
393 Sagamore Avenue, Mineola, New York 11501
Tel: 516-294-5888 Fax: 516-248-6456
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