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verifications, drug testing and more can do the heavy lifting for you
(see "Vendor Credentialing Services"). Some reps are required by
their companies to undergo such credentialing at no charge to your
Get loaners on time. Preview your case schedule and plan ahead to
ensure reps have enough notice and time to get all loaner equipment
and implants to your facility the day before they're needed in surgery,
so your staff has
can explain how complex
instrumentation works.
enough time to
reprocess them
properly. What
about reps who
continually test
your 24-hour poli-
Staff-Rep Rules to Work By
You should:
• Communicate clear-cut guidelines
of what reps can and cannot do.
• Never let reps touch patients or
take part in procedures in any way.
• Ensure reps don't bring in
unapproved equipment.
• Clearly establish where reps are
allowed to go, and where
they're not.
• Review equipment training
conducted by reps, and hold staff
accountable for what they learn.
• Educate staff on the policy of what
gifts they can accept from vendors.
cy? Some facilities
Sales reps should:
• Know your facility's rules and never
abuse its privileges.
• Always follow core competencies.
• Understand your staff, surgeons
and the procedures you host.
• Always be on time.
• Always be prepared for the cases
they're involved in.
• Educate your staff on the ethics of
their financial relationships with
your center.
— Lisa Moschkau, RN, BSN, MASL
in my area have
decided to fine
them $100 whenever equipment's
delivered on the
day of surgery.
If a rep truly
does all he can to
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