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Reusable Trocars Reduce
Cost and Waste
As an alternative to disposable trocars, Aesculap's Reusable Trocar
System enables laparoscopic
access with less cost, and less
waste, per case. The trocars, available in 3.5mm, 5mm, 10mm and 12mm
sizes, are modular in design for simple disassembly and thorough cleaning,
and are color-coded for easy identification of their compatible components.
Lightweight, ergonomic and low-profile in design — the 3.5mm and 5mm trocars are ideal for single-port cases — their weight distribution ensures balance when inserted into the abdomen. Choose between single-use, bladeless
dilating and fully reusable obturators.
Clearly Visible, Lasting Eye Marks
Improve the quality of markings made on the ocular surface with
Beaver-Visitec International's Osher ThermoDot Marker, a bipolar
instrument used to create precise reference points for a variety of
eye procedures, including intraocular lens placement. Ink is
effective for marking the eye's capsule, but diffuses on the
ocular surface and could disappear entirely, says Robert H.
Osher, MD, the marker's creator. This ink-free instrument's
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