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ready-to-use cordless design
gives surgeons a new option for
procedures where speed and
range of motion may be critical.
This self-contained device
includes the generator and
power source so no assembly is required, which allows for quick procedure
set-up. The cordless feature removes the potential for tangled cords while
multiple instruments are in use. ethicon.com
The Only Sterile Skin Antiseptics
Although many skin antiseptics have sterile outer packaging, the antiseptic
inside the package — arguably the most important component because it
touches the patients' skin — is
not sterilized. For more than 30
years, Aplicare has provided
the only sterile pre-operative
skin preparation antiseptics.
Contaminated pre-op skin
preparations have been associated with clinical infections and adverse outcomes and, in some cases, death. aplicaresterility.com
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