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nially, so patients don't have to be repositioned mid-procedure using
wedge pillows. Radiolucent tables can cost as little as $4,000 and as much
as $13,000, but typically run between $7,000 and $10,000.
4. Injection trays. Manufacturers offer stock epidural or pain
injection trays, but your docs might want additional items included.
To save money, buy the items requested by specific surgeons separately, such as particular syringes, needles or gloves. Instead of filling
injection trays with unique items, include generic medical supplies
such as drapes, sponges and medicine cups. OSM
Mr. Schroeder (mschroeder@surgery-partners.com) is vice president of
operations with Surgery Partners in Tampa, Fla., and former director of a
single-specialty interventional pain facility.
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