M A R C H 2 0 2 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 8 1
he heavy use and repeated high-level disinfection flexible
endoscopes endure can be problematic. A pinhole in an
insertion tube, a drop of moisture collection in an internal
channel or bioburden left to harden on the insertion tube
can lead to breakdown and bacteria growth. Properly car-
High-tech Options in Endoscope Reprocessing
Automated leak testers, enhanced drying technology and smart storage
solutions enhance the care of these intricate instruments.
Linda Beaver, RN, MSN, MHA | St. Louis, Mo.
• CONSTANT FLOW Drying cabinets with tubing that attaches to endoscopes' channels provide continuous airflow into the
scopes to lower the risk of bacteria growth.