he surgeons at Excelsior Orthopedics in upstate
New York understand that what patients eat and
drink before surgery impacts how well they'll
recover afterward. Their group, which owns
and operates the Buffalo Surgery Center in
Amherst, N.Y., recently hired Melinda Yoder, RDN, CDN, as
manager of nutritional services to optimize the nutritional status
of patients before they arrive on the day of surgery. The sur-
geons in the group used to cross paths with Ms. Yoder as she
worked independently to ensure patients were physically pre-
pared to endure the physical stress of surgery. They were
intrigued, asked about her services and ultimately decided
to make her an offer.
"We're aligned in our goals, so the relationship made
sense," says Ms. Yoder.
Hiring a dedicated nutritional expert of
your own would be ideal. At the very least,
educate patients about the importance of
eating and drinking right as they prepare
for surgery.
Losing to gain
Patients in a suboptimal nutritional state
Daniel Cook | Editor-in-Chief
Healthier Eating Is Within Reach
Patients who optimize their pre-op
nutrition are rewarded with better outcomes.
• WEIGHT-LOSS GOAL Lowering BMIs and building lean muscle
mass puts less strain on joints and reduces the body's inflamma-
tory response to surgery.
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