F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 6 1
e've helped
plan and build
numerous GI
centers and
know from
experience the amount of time
and resources top-performing
facilities have invested in smart
procedure room designs, the latest
flexible endoscope technology
and reprocessing areas outfitted
with patient safety in mind.
1. Prioritize reprocessing
Endoscopes are difficult to proper-
ly disinfect and preventing infec-
tions during endoscopies and
colonoscopies is paramount, so
the design of the reprocessing department might be the most impor-
tant place to start when planning a new space. With that in mind,
best practice is to frame out 3 different rooms: one for decontamina-
tion; one for scope washing and one for drying. At a minimum, there
should be 2 rooms with a pass-through automated endoscope
reprocessor (AER) between them. A pass-through AER costs about
$120,000 — 4 times the price of a traditional unit — but it eliminates
the need for a third room. The amount of space you have in the new
Suraj S. Soudagar, MS, MBA, LEED AP | Naperville, Ill.
Keith W. Mignault, BS, MS | Baldwinsville, N.Y.
Gearing Up for GI
Build your program on the essential
elements found in leading endoscopy centers.
• CLEAN START The reprocessing department is key to a
successful new endo center, and shouldn't be given short
shrift during the design phase.