six inches up the
wall." As far as choos-
ing between rubber or
vinyl flooring, the
experts we inter-
viewed did not elevate
either for their infec-
tion control benefits.
• Ceilings. Modular,
prefabricated ceiling
systems are gaining
favor, especially for
renovations. "The cool thing is there's extra capacity for utilities
behind the ceiling," says Sarah Markovitz, AIA, principal and health-
care practice leader at NBBJ. "A stainless steel front panel can be
taken down overnight, you can cut in some new outlets, and have it
back up the next day — and it's not dust-producing."
Adds Dr. Joseph, "Modular wall panels with a stainless steel finish
can be wiped down and are very easy to clean. If any damage hap-
pens, they can be popped out and you put another one in. It's much
easier to maintain."
6 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 0
• SURFACE AREAS Hanging equipment on ceiling-mounted booms keeps the floor
clear during cleaning, and walls made out of smooth and durable material are easier
to wipe down.