F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 4 7
Smart supply
Staff remove dirty
instruments through
doors in the back of
the ORs and deliver
them to the decontam-
ination area, which is
just 10 feet away. Loaner instrument trays and implants are delivered
directly to sterile processing through a back corridor so reprocessing
techs can check in and check out instrument sets in an easy, organ-
ized way. The facility also boasts a dedicated storage room for hous-
ing the numerous patient positioning devices, such as a Jackson
Table, needed during spine procedures.
C-arm support
Radiation techs have
plenty of room to
maneuver C-arms
toward and away from
the surgical bed. The
ORs have dedicated
electrical outlets for
powering the C-arms
and dedicated video
integration cables wired into the wall through which captured images
are automatically downloaded into the facility's PACs system.