• Orange: energetic, spontaneous, charming
• Gold: punctual, organized, precise
• Green: analytical, intuitive, visionary
• Blue: empathetic, compassionate, coopera-
We expanded the personality color-coding to
our entire staff with a 1-hour training session.
Now we all wear buttons of our primary color
on our nametags that remind us how to inter-
act smoothly with each individual. Many here
share a color that indicates compassion and
empathy. Now we've learned how to work
effectively with staff of other colors. When I
interact with a "green" person, for example,
they might not say "good morning" and chit-
chat. They just want to get to work, and get
things done right so they can go home sooner.
Because I now understand their personality
better, I don't assume they're upset with me, like I might have before.
Now we know better how our existing staff fits together, and how
new hires can add to our mix. You can learn more about the traits of
the four color personalities at osmag.net/BPw7pQ.
Joleen Harrison, RN, BSN, PHN, CASC
Mankato (Minn.) Surgery Center
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